Old library

Insights, reports and research on fulvic acid

Research reports

A study on the mineral depletion of the foods available to us as a nation over the period 1940 to 1991

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An English scientific report by the Royal Society of Chemistry on the mineral deficiency in our food

About humic-fulvic substances - Part 1

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First part of an extensive scientifically substantiated explanation of fulvic and humic acids.

About humic-fulvic substances - Part 2

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Second part of an extensive scientifically substantiated explanation of fulvic and humic acids.

All about fulvic acid - science studies and testimonials

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Various scientific studies and experiences with fulvic acid

Changes in USDA food composition data for 43 garden crops, 1950-1999

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American study by the Biochemical Institute and Bio-Communications Research Institute on the change in nutritional value over the period 1950 to 1999.

Colloid Silver: A closer look

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A 1997 non-scientific English article about collodial silver written by Peter Lindemann. Nevertheless, very readable.

FAO - Soil infographics

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A series of 8 infographics about the importance of vital soil, published by the FAO as part of the 2021 International Year of Soils.

Fulvic acid substance critical to health

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A very comprehensive scientific study into fulvic acid and its positive effects on health

Humic acid study 1375 - germany

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A summary of a German scientific study into the medical aspects and applications of humic substances

Humic substances composition of unknown structure 2005

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A 2005 scientific publication on humic substances in the Journal of Applied Biomedicin

Scarcity of micronutrients in soil, food and mineral supplies

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A Dutch advisory report from the Platform for Agriculture, Innovation & Society to the Minister and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovations.

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