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frequently asked questions about our fulvic acid

Fulvic Acid

Why fulvic acid-based plant minerals?

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Minerals ‍ are ‍ only ‍ fully ‍ by ‍ the ‍ body ‍ absorbed ‍ as ‍ they ‍ from ‍ plants ‍ ‍ are. ‍ Plants ‍ can't make ‍ ‍ ‍ minerals themselves ‍ (but ‍ vitamins ‍ and ‍ other ‍ substances), ‍ but ‍ ‍ ‍ gets them the ‍ roots ‍ out of ‍ de ‍ soil via ‍. ‍ Minerals ‍ of ‍ other ‍ sources ‍ are ‍ much ‍ to ‍ big ‍ to ‍ good ‍ included ‍ to ‍ ‍ become ‍ by ‍ the ‍ body, ‍ leave ‍ ‍ delivered ‍ to ‍ can be ‍ ‍ in ‍ de ‍ cells ‍ (where ‍ they need ‍ ‍). ‍ Only ‍ plants ‍ can ‍ these ‍ - ‍ also ‍ known as ‍ metallic ‍ minerals ‍, ‍ from ‍ de ‍ ground ‍ include ‍ in ‍ a ‍ shape ‍ that ‍ small ‍ enough ‍ is ‍ for ‍ the ‍ human ‍ body.

What does fulvic acid do to your body?

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Fulvic acid is a powerful antioxidant, which can reduce damage to cells and delay aging. Fulvic acid also binds to many essential minerals, so that they are better absorbed in the body and can ensure that cells function better.

Why do I need fulvic acid

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Our ‍ vegetables ‍ and ‍ our ‍ fruit ‍ do not contain ‍ ‍ more ‍ de ‍ minerals ‍ and ‍ vitamins ‍ die ‍ we need ‍ ‍ ‍ daily. ‍ Our ‍ vegetables ‍ have become ‍ empty ‍. ‍ Fulvic Acid ‍ compensates ‍ for our ‍ poor ‍ food quality. ‍ Even ‍ if ‍ you eat ‍ organic ‍ ‍ ‍ you won't get ‍ ‍ enough ‍. ‍ Organic ‍ farmers ‍ ‍ enrich the ‍ soil ‍ not ‍ with ‍ minerals ‍ and ‍ fulvic acid, ‍ but ‍ spraying ‍ especially ‍ no ‍ pesticides. ‍ A ‍ whole ‍ step ‍, of course, ‍ but ‍ isn't ‍ enough. ‍ The ‍ basis ‍ of ‍ rich ‍ ‍ vegetables is ‍ de ‍ land ‍ where ‍ ze ‍ is grown ‍. ‍ Read ‍ our ‍ blog ‍ if ‍ you ‍ want to know ‍ more ‍ about ‍ ‍. ‍ Fulvic acid ‍ is missing ‍ in ‍ our ‍ diet ‍ by ‍ modern ‍ agricultural techniques. ‍ The ‍ importance ‍ of ‍ microorganisms ‍ is unfortunately ‍ ‍ ‍ still not sufficiently ‍ understood. ‍ ‍ de ‍ industrial ‍ agriculture ‍ uses ‍ toxins ‍ ‍ that kill ‍ microorganisms ‍. ‍ With this ‍ ‍ hits ‍ healthy ‍ organic ‍ balance ‍ out ‍ balance ‍ and ‍ disappear ‍ de ‍ fulvic acid ‍ making ‍ organisms. ‍ Pesticides ‍ kill ‍ bugs ‍ and ‍ fulvic acid ‍ producing ‍ microorganisms.

What is fulvic acid?

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Fulvic acid, also known as fulvic acid, ‍ is ‍ a ‍ part ‍ of ‍ humus, ‍ that forms ‍ ‍ at ‍ de ‍ digestion ‍ of ‍ plants ‍ by ‍ microorganisms. ‍ Fulvic acid ‍ is ‍ a ‍ 100% natural special ‍ ‍ substance with ‍ lots of ‍ positive ‍ effects ‍ op ‍ de ‍ health ‍ of ‍ people, ‍ animals ‍ and ‍ plants. ‍ When ‍ dissolves ‍ a few ‍ drops ‍ in ‍ water ‍ ‍, ‍ het ‍ water ‍ gets a ‍ dark ‍ color: ‍ the ‍ becomes ‍ almost ‍ black. Fulvic Acid:

  • May reduce cell damage
  • Delay aging
  • Is a powerful antioxidant
  • Improves absorption of essential minerals

There are many qualities of fulvic acid on the market. SMPL72 has been independently tested to be the best quality on the market.

How does fulvic acid work for the intestines?

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Thanks to scientific research, it is known that the use of fulvic acid can lead to many positive health effects, including improved gut health. This is achieved thanks to the antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of fulvic acid. The use of fulvic acid is safe to use and is seen as a natural way of detoxifying.

Fulvic acid has a high binding capacity, which, among other things, has a neutralizing effect on toxins produced by bacteria (82%) and absorbs heavy metals, nitrate, fluorides and organic phosphate in our body. Fulvic acid is also able to neutralize different concentrations of glyphosphate on the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract and can actually bind and release the minerals that are important to us and deliver them back to our body. This ensures an improved absorption of the nutrients.

In addition, fulvic acid is able to bind mycotoxins from our food, reducing their harmful effect.

How does fulvic acid work?

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‍ Fulvic acid ‍ transports ‍ nutrients ‍ directly ‍ in ‍ de ‍ cell ‍ and ‍ ‍ can also be ‍ direct ‍ toxic ‍ remove ‍ fabrics. ‍ A ‍ garbage collector ‍ and ‍ mailman ‍ in ‍ one ‍. ‍ Fulvine ‍ is ‍ like ‍ garbage collector: ‍ it ‍ binds ‍ toxins ‍ and ‍ heavy ‍ metals. ‍ The ‍ is ‍ a ‍ strong ‍ detoxifying ‍ agent, ‍ what ‍ in ‍ times ‍ if ‍ de ‍ our ‍ with ‍ all ‍ toxins ‍ in ‍ us ‍ environment, ‍ a ‍ very ‍ essential ‍ part ‍ of ‍ us ‍ food pattern ‍ must be ‍ to ‍. ‍ Toxic ‍ substances ‍ are removed ‍ by ‍ fulvic acid ‍ thoroughly ‍ and ‍ very ‍ effectively ‍, ‍ wat ‍ fulvic acid ‍ to ‍ is a ‍ highly sought after ‍ and ‍ makes a special ‍ food supplement ‍. ‍

Fulvic acid ‍ is ‍ also ‍ a ‍ mailman: ‍ ‍ brings ‍ nutrients ‍ into ‍ the ‍ cell. ‍ In ‍, the ‍ cell ‍, ‍ happens. ‍ In ‍ the ‍ cell ‍, ‍ energy ‍ is produced ‍ and ‍ ‍ proteins ‍ and ‍ enzymes ‍ are produced ‍ and ‍ all ‍ other ‍ substances ‍ that ‍ de ‍ cell ‍ ‍ needs. ‍ In ‍ studies ‍, ‍ sometimes ‍ is spoken of ‍ about ‍ shots ‍ in ‍ the ‍ blood, ‍ but ‍ that ‍ is ‍ not ‍ relevant. ‍ the ‍ is ‍ about ‍ de ‍ cell recording. ‍ Fulvic acid ‍ can ‍ thanks to ‍ hair ‍ structure ‍ (Nature's ‍ Miracle ‍ Molecule) ‍ and ‍ because ‍ is ‍ a ‍ very ‍ small ‍ molecule ‍ is, ‍ easy ‍ through ‍ de ‍ cell wall ‍ go ‍ and ‍ into ‍ the ‍ cell ‍ end up ‍. ‍ Within ‍ in ‍ the ‍ cell ‍, ‍ let go ‍ de ‍ nutrients ‍ ‍ die ‍ immediately ‍ available ‍ ‍ ‍ stands for ‍ the ‍ metabolic processes.


Why do I need minerals?

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‍ Every ‍ person ‍ needs ‍ at least ‍ 60 ‍ minerals ‍. ‍ That ‍ is ‍ two-thirds (!) ‍ of ‍ de ‍ in ‍ total ‍ 90 ‍ essential ‍ nutrients ‍ without ‍ which ‍ a ‍ human ‍ not ‍ without ‍ is possible. ‍ That ‍ actually gives ‍ ‍ al ‍ ‍ how ‍ important ‍ they ‍ are. ‍ Minerals ‍ are ‍ like ‍ the ‍ spark plugs ‍ from ‍ al ‍ je ‍ body systems. ‍ Without ‍, ‍ they'll just work ‍ ‍ not ‍ and ‍ you ‍ don't have to have ‍ ‍ a lot of ‍ fantasy ‍ to ‍ ‍ to ‍ get ‍ before ‍ ‍ ‍ which ‍ means ‍.

Why are there no more minerals in our plants, fruits and vegetables?

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Plants ‍ are ‍ for ‍ people ‍ de ‍ only ‍ correct ‍ source ‍ of ‍ minerals ‍ because ‍ only ‍ plants ‍ minerals ‍ out of ‍ the ‍ soil ‍ can absorb ‍ ‍ in ‍ such ‍ small ‍ particles ‍ that ‍ they ‍ op ‍ cell level ‍ full ‍ recordable ‍ are ‍ for ‍ people. ‍ Plants ‍ are ‍ therefore ‍ so ‍ good ‍ if ‍ de ‍ soil ‍ where ‍ ze ‍ grow. ‍ And ‍ therein ‍, ‍ is the ‍ problem. ‍ Worldwide ‍ ‍ is our ‍ farmland ‍ completely ‍ depleted ‍ gone ‍ and ‍ contains ‍ het ‍ almost ‍ none ‍ minerals ‍ more. ‍ By ‍ intensive ‍ and ‍ mechanized ‍ agriculture. ‍ Because ‍ the ‍ minerals ‍ aren't ‍ ‍ anymore in ‍ de ‍ ground ‍, ‍ ‍ they ‍ aren't even ‍ ‍ more ‍ in ‍ the ‍ plants ‍ (and ‍ animals) ‍ and ‍ can ‍ we ‍ ze ‍ so ‍ ‍ also can't ‍ more ‍ in ‍ get enough ‍ sizes ‍.

Are there studies that confirm chronic mineral deficiency?

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Yes, definitely. ‍ Analyses ‍ of ‍ soil depletion ‍ are ‍ confirmed ‍ by: ‍

  • World Health Organization
  • British Department of Agriculture
  • British Royal Society of Chemistry These studies show that soil depletion is a global problem: • North America - 85% Reduction

This shows that soil depletion is a global problem:

  • South America - 76% Reduction
  • Asia - 76% Reduction
  • Africa - 74% Reduction
  • Europe - 72% Reduction
  • Australia - 55% Reduction

I'm already taking supplements for zinc deficiency and magnesium deficiency. Why should I use SMPL72?

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‍ Often ‍ is ‍ ‍ so ‍ that ‍ people ‍ wel ‍ what ‍ minerals ‍ out ‍ various ‍ sources ‍ inside ‍ get ‍ in ‍ their ‍ body. ‍ But ‍ isn't ‍ enough. ‍ And ‍ in addition ‍ ‍ they ‍ are often ‍ very ‍ bad ‍ absorbed ‍ by ‍ the ‍ intestinal system. ‍ Realize ‍ ‍ that ‍ ‍ most ‍ supplements are ‍ synthetic ‍ ‍ and ‍ in ‍ the ‍ case ‍ of ‍ minerals ‍ just ‍ stone. ‍ With ‍ big ‍ ‍ molecules that ‍ your ‍ body ‍, not ‍ or ‍ barely ‍, ‍ can absorb. ‍ About ‍ how ‍ and ‍ why supplement ‍ from ‍ ‍ ‍ we ‍ wrote a ‍ blog ‍ earlier ‍. ‍ Check out ‍ especially ‍ at ‍ our ‍ blogs. ‍ Maybe ‍ you already take ‍ ‍ magnesium ‍ or ‍ zinc. ‍ ‍ But ‍ ‍ ‍ realize that ‍ you ‍ with that ‍ takes only ‍ a ‍ or ‍ two ‍ minerals ‍ ‍ of ‍ the ‍ 60 ‍ that ‍ your ‍ body ‍ needs ‍ ‍ every ‍ day. ‍ And ‍ that ‍ if ‍ your ‍ thinks complementary ‍ ‍ je ‍ not ‍ a ‍ mineral ‍ from ‍ the ‍ whole ‍ spectrum ‍ can take ‍.

Do I need all 72 minerals every day?

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‍ Yes! ‍ But ‍ happy ‍ is ‍ de ‍ human ‍ so ‍ genius ‍ designed ‍ that ‍ je ‍ a ‍ while ‍ without ‍ can ‍ before ‍ collapses ‍ ‍ all the way ‍ into ‍ ‍. ‍ But ‍ not ‍ endlessly ‍ long! ‍ Better ‍ is ‍ ‍ to get ‍ just ‍ every ‍ day ‍ you ‍ minerals ‍ within ‍ to ‍. ‍ And ‍ with ‍ our ‍ fulvic acid s ‍ that ‍ luckily ‍ ‍ is very easy.


Where does SMPL72 fulvic acid come from?

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From prehistoric times. Millions of years ago, the Earth's plant mass was enormous. The earth contained numerous minerals and trace elements that were absorbed by the root system of plants. These plants thus provided a highly nutritious food supply for everything that lived on Earth. With the Ice Age, not only did the dinosaurs disappear, but huge amounts of plant material were also buried under ice and sediments. Through various geological processes, most of this material has been pushed deep into the ground and fossilized under high pressure and temperature. Today, we recognize this as coal, petroleum, and even diamonds. However, in a few parts of the world, this material has fallen just a few meters underground and has been preserved and not fossilized (petrified) for millions of years. This material is very rich in minerals of plant origin.

We have our own mine in the southeast of the US where we excavate and purify this raw, pristine 32 million old material. Pure and 100% natural.

I see that it also contains minerals such as aluminum, chlorine, fluorine and uranium. Don't they hurt? ‍

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‍ What ‍ you ‍ ‍ need to know ‍ is ‍ that ‍ SMPL72 ‍ contains plant minerals ‍ ‍ and ‍ does not contain ‍ factory minerals. ‍ The ‍ difference ‍ is ‍ that ‍ plant minerals are ‍ to ‍ 10,000 ‍ times ‍ smaller ‍ ‍ and ‍ are therefore ‍ 100% ‍ absorbable ‍ and ‍ are safe ‍ ‍ and ‍ factory minerals ‍ are not. ‍ If ‍ is a ‍ substance ‍ not ‍ absorbable ‍ ‍ ‍ sees the ‍ body ‍ this ‍ as ‍ foreign ‍ and ‍ in ‍ potential ‍ as ‍ toxic. ‍ That ‍ is ‍ the ‍ reason ‍ why ‍ on ‍ factory minerals ‍ out ‍ a ‍ jar ‍ de ‍ warning ‍ ‍ doesn't ‍ exceed the ‍ RDA ‍ ‍ ‍ because ‍ you ‍ then ‍ the ‍ body ‍ overloads.

‍ Aluminum ‍ for example ‍ is ‍ toxic ‍ if ‍ it ‍ isn't ‍ by ‍ the ‍ body ‍ can be ‍ ‍ included, ‍ while ‍ aluminum ‍ is one ‍ of ‍ the ‍ most abundant ‍ minerals ‍ in ‍ de ‍ nature ‍. ‍ ‍
The ‍ is ‍ really ‍ ‍ in everything, ‍ so ‍ is also ‍ in ‍ plants. ‍ But ‍ aluminum ‍ included ‍ by ‍ plants ‍ ‍, so ‍ are plant minerals, ‍ 100% ‍ absorbable ‍ and ‍ so ‍ total ‍ harmless. ‍ In fact ‍, ‍ you need ‍ ‍ them ‍. ‍ And ‍ that ‍ applies ‍ to ‍ all ‍ minerals.

We humans are made of 'the dust of the earth'. So what you find in the soil, you should find it in roughly the same proportions in the body. That's why you need all 72 minerals in the proportions mother nature intended. And that is exactly what SMPL72 offers.
‍ SMPL72 ‍ meets ‍ ‍ all ‍ legal ‍ requirements ‍ and ‍ is ‍ additionally ‍ awarded ‍ with ‍ a ‍ approve ‍ ‍ leading ‍ certifications.

How is SMPL72 fulvic acid mineral complex produced?

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After ‍ mining ‍ ‍ of ‍ the ‍ raw ‍ material ‍ in ‍ our ‍ mine ‍, ‍ becomes ‍ during ‍ 2 ‍ year ‍ in ‍ pure ‍ water ‍ 'washed' ‍ and ‍ filtered. ‍ Very ‍ careful ‍ and ‍ without ‍ hurry ‍ to ‍ the ‍ fragile ‍ material ‍ to ‍ can preserve ‍. ‍ The ‍ end result ‍ is ‍ a ‍ pure ‍ liquid ‍ with ‍ a ‍ enormous ‍ high ‍ percentage ‍ fulvic acid ‍ (12-18%).

What about SMPL72's quality fulvic acid?

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‍ The ‍ environment ‍ in which ‍ fulvic acid ‍ is created, ‍ ‍ determines ‍ quality. ‍ The ‍ purer ‍ and ‍ more nutritious ‍ the ‍ plants ‍ are ‍ that are ‍ processed to ‍ humus ‍ ‍, ‍ the more powerful ‍ the ‍ fulvic acid ‍ is. ‍ ‍ All ‍ types ‍ fulvic acid ‍ contain ‍ electrolytes, ‍ trace elements - ‍ and ‍ minerals. SMPL fulvic acid ‍ even has ‍ ‍ 116 ‍ different ‍ nutrients: ‍ 9 ‍ macromolecules
‍ 10 ‍ trace minerals
‍ 57 ‍ trace elements
‍ 18 ‍ amino acids
‍ 17 ‍ organic ‍ acids ‍ and ‍ 5 ‍ vitamins ‍ If ‍ you want ‍ fulvic acid ‍ ‍ go ‍ ‍ is ‍ it ‍ good ‍ to ‍ ‍ know ‍ where ‍ you should pay ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ om ‍ de ‍ quality ‍ to ‍ review. ‍ Look ‍ at ‍ the ‍ concentration ‍, for example. ‍ The ‍ ‍ percentages can range ‍ ‍ from ‍ 4% ‍ to ‍ above ‍ ‍ 10%. The ‍ SMPL ‍ minerals ‍ have ‍ the ‍ highest ‍ percentages ‍ and ‍ are ‍ GMP ‍ certified, ‍ a ‍ of ‍ the ‍ highest ‍ standards ‍ in ‍ production ‍ of ‍ among ‍ other ‍ supplements. ‍ The ‍ certification ‍ happened ‍ in ‍ collaboration ‍ with ‍, a ‍ independent ‍ audio party ‍ and ‍ de ‍ Natural ‍ Products ‍ Association, ‍ the ‍ most ‍ renowned ‍ organization ‍ op ‍ the ‍ area ‍ of ‍ natural ‍ supplements and ‍ active ‍ since ‍ 1936. ‍ And ‍ as ‍ as such ‍ also ‍ tested ‍ and ‍ compared ‍ with ‍ other ‍ providers ‍ on ‍ in the ‍ market. ‍ That's where ‍ ‍ ‍ fulvic acid ‍ are the ‍ best ‍ out of ‍ de ‍ bus. ‍ See ‍ ‍ comparison below.

What is the difference between fulvic acid and shilajit?

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Do you want to ‍ buy ‍ shilajit ‍ ‍ or ‍ use ‍ je ‍ shilajit? ‍ Does ‍ know that ‍ are both ‍ shilajit ‍ and ‍ SMPL72™ ‍ phyto-complexes ‍ ‍ that ‍ are ‍ created ‍ by ‍ the ‍ breakdown ‍ of ‍ plant ‍ material ‍ to ‍ humic acids, ‍ including ‍ fulvic acid ‍ and ‍ others ‍ organic ‍ acids ‍ form a ‍ part ‍.
‍ But ‍ and ‍ ‍ are essential ‍ differences.
‍ SMPL72 ‍ contains ‍ ‍ 32 ‍ more ‍ minerals ‍ and ‍ trace elements, ‍ contains ‍ ‍ 3x ‍ times ‍ (!) ‍ ‍ as much ‍ fulvic acid ‍ and ‍ has ‍ more ‍ ‍ (29 ‍ to ‍ 1900 ‍ times ‍ more) ‍ animino acids.
‍ In addition, ‍ ‍ SMPL72 ‍ is extracted ‍ with ‍ pure ‍ water ‍, ‍ while ‍ shilajit ‍ ‍ ‍ chemically ‍, ‍ is extracted ‍ with ‍, for example ‍ potassium chloride.
‍ That ‍ showed ‍ from ‍ de ‍ analysis ‍ that ‍ dr. ‍ Mark ‍ Williams ‍ created ‍ ‍ between ‍ shilajit ‍ and ‍ SMPL72. ‍
Read ‍ our ‍ blog ‍ about that ‍ at ‍ SMPL ‍ Club.

Why choose SMPL72 fulvic acid.

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Because we guarantee the highest quality, independently tested. And make sure you don't buy fulvic acid from potentially contaminated soils. Our products are extracted from an extraordinary soil layer more than tens of millions of years ago. This soil layer was created from a merger of freshwater and oceanic sediment layers, where immense prehistoric plants thrived at the time. These plants developed deep roots that reached into the depths of the Earth, where they absorbed an abundance of nutrients. This created a rich humus, infused with countless undisturbed life cycles, resulting in a concentrated variety of organic acid molecules. What makes our SMPL72 fulvic acid complex unique is its mineral and organic acid profile, which is significantly different from fulvic acids extracted from younger sources. Its complexity is so great that it cannot be synthesized or replicated using rollback techniques.


Can I use SMPL72 fulvic acid in addition to my medication?

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Yes, you can, but it is always wise to discuss this with your doctor first. This is because SMPL72 improves the absorption of nutrients. In theory, it could also improve drug uptake. On the other hand, SMPL72 is also a powerful detox and could theoretically neutralize substances such as drugs. In short, SMPL72 may affect the effectiveness of medications, so we always recommend consulting your doctor first.

Is SMPL72 fulvic acid also suitable for children?

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Yes! However, adjust the dose according to the weight. About 1 drop per 10 kg of body weight per day. Not because more is harmful, but because it is not necessary and therefore a waste of money.

I am pregnant. So can I also use SMPL72 ?ulvic acid?

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Everything that the body cannot absorb is considered foreign and has the potential to be harmful or sickening. SMPL72 is 100% absorbable and therefore very safe. It meets the highest standards of purity and contaminants. However, SMPL72 has never been officially tested on pregnant women. Use is therefore at your own risk during pregnancy.

How do I use SMPL72 fulvic acid?

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Add 7-10 drops of SMPL72 to a glass of water or fruit juice. Make sure that the water is chlorine-free (in the Netherlands, all drinking water is chlorine-free). The time of intake is not very important but the best thing is with or around eating. What's more important is that you take it. You can safely increase the dose in case of illness or intense physical exercise where you sweat a lot (when sweating, the body loses minerals).

Does SMPL72 fulvic acid have side effects?

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The use of fulvic acid is safe to use and is seen as a natural way of detoxifying. Overall, fulvic acid is considered safe for most people. It can very rarely cause some mild stomach problems for some. But don't worry, that's usually only for a short time. Note: fulvic acid is also a social butterfly: it can interact with certain medications you take because your medications become more absorbable. Read our blog about the science behind fulvic acid.


What results can I expect from SMPL72 fulvc acid?

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Minerals play a fundamental role in controlling all the bio-chemical reactions that take place at the cellular level in the body. SMPL72 therefore supports all 11 body systems. Namely, the skin, the skeleton, the muscles, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the lymphatic system, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the urinary system and the reproductive system. Exactly what SMPL72 will mean for you is difficult to predict. That is different for each body. But generally speaking, you'll be the first to notice something about your skin, hair, and nails. After all, it is your largest organ. And because all your body systems will function more efficiently, you will most likely also notice that you get more energy.

How quickly can I expect results?

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SMPL72 is not medicine but food. The effect is therefore only noticeable in the long term. In general, it is recommended that you try nutritional supplements for at least a quarter. However, we regularly hear from customers that they have noticed the positive effects of SMPL72 much earlier.

Does fulvic acid help if I'm a vegetarian?

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Is ‍ eating ‍ not ‍ or ‍ eating less ‍ meat? ‍ Realize ‍ you ‍ that ‍ when ‍ people ‍ a lot ‍ soy producers eat ‍ ‍ (which is ‍ often ‍) by ‍ vegetarians ‍ unfairly ‍ as ‍ healthy ‍ meat substitute ‍ ‍ is seen) ‍ de ‍ uptake ‍ of ‍ minerals ‍ by ‍ us ‍ intestinal system ‍ is making ‍ difficult. ‍ Our ‍ intestinal system ‍ is ‍ the ‍ spot ‍ where ‍ minerals ‍ from ‍ our ‍ food ‍ are included ‍ ‍ and ‍ there ‍ are ‍ also ‍ many ‍ form ‍ of ‍ diseases ‍ die ‍ uptake ‍ van ‍ minerals ‍ from ‍ us ‍ food ‍ can sabotage ‍. ‍ Fulvic acid ‍ is ‍ ‍ a ‍ beautiful ‍ answer ‍ to that, ‍ because ‍ thanks to ‍ the ‍ fact ‍ dat ‍ fulvic acid ‍ strengthens ‍ detoxifies ‍ goes ‍ us ‍ whole ‍ body ‍ (and ‍ so ‍ ‍ our ‍ bowels) ‍ better ‍ function.

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