Detoxifying, how do you do that naturally

More than ever, our body is burdened with toxins and is less and less able to remove them adequately. Detoxifying every day is therefore crucial.
In this blog, Table of Contents:
1. What is your body's role in detoxification?
2. Processed foods: full of chemicals
3. What role do natural nutrients play in detoxes?
6. How did food deteriorate so much?
7. 2 types of toxins: endogenous and exogenous
8. Detoxing toxins
9. What complaints can you have when you expose your body to toxins for a long time?
10. Forms of detoxes
11. Above all, how not to detox
12. Does organic food help with a healthy lifestyle?
14. How can you maintain a healthy lifestyle and become and stay healthy?
15. How to eliminate toxins from your body in a simple way
Do you often suffer from an inexplicably lifeless feeling? An accumulation of toxins can play a major role in this. The great thing is that our body has a natural cleansing process that removes harmful substances from your body.
You should do this detoxification of toxins in the most natural way possible with the right nutrients.
Then you need to make sure that your body is able to do that important detoxification process every day.
In this article, I'll tell you how.
What is your body's role in detoxifying?
Our body is constantly detoxifying, our body is truly ingenious.
It therefore has fantastic natural processes for removing toxins.
Good regulation of the lymph flow is essential here. This lymphatic system removes waste products from the cells into the bloodstream to reach the liver and kidneys. The liver breaks down waste products and makes them water-soluble so that they can then be removed via the kidneys. Perfect!
The liver is one of the important detoxification machines in your body: harmful substances that enter your body make the liver harmless and carry them out of your body through your urine and faeces. Your liver is busy with it. Throughout the day, the organ controls all kinds of processes in your body.
And your kidneys, of course. You then excrete urea into your urine via your kidneys.
Do you have too many amino acids? Then your liver stores it as fat or, when you need an energy boost, converts it to glucose.
I'm dealing with the liver. The poor boy is finding it harder and harder.
Fatty liver disease, for example, is an increasing problem in the Western world. It means that your liver is storing more and more fat. It is caused by an unhealthy diet and a poor lifestyle: we eat more and more fatty and sugary foods and exercise less and less. Fatty liver disease disrupts fat metabolism in the body and accumulates fat in, among other things, the abdominal organs.
Processed food: full of chemicals
The body has an amazing defense system against unwanted intruders: your immune system. And that cannot be replaced like an 'organ', hip or knee. You only have one immune system and when that patrol force is broken, it's broken.
So make sure you keep your immune system in order.
It needs no explanation to keep your immune system up to date. A healthy immune system is essential for preventing infections.
Boosting your immune system is something you hear so often. It sounds so good. It's a wrong verb here. It suggests that you will have it up to date all at once. While building an immune system. Including good sleep, no stress, eating well, exercising and being outside.
Simple things. But no quick fixes. What happens to you if you don't strengthen your immune system?
Your weapon of defense against unwanted visitors to your body?
That cannot be replaced. You can destroy it, though.
Perfect detoxification machine
The body is also a perfect detoxification machine; the lymph system, liver and kidneys cleanse your body daily. So why do you have to do extra work, some kind of cure or supplements, to remove toxins? Have you ever seriously thought about that?
Double pliers
As a Western person, we are in a double pincer. Our body is having a hard time. On the one hand, because exposure to toxins is higher than ever, and on the other hand because our diet and lifestyle are deficient in essential nutrients due to processed foods.
Why do we ingest so many toxins?
Our bodies are taking in far more toxins from contaminated air and water, pesticides, heavy metals, additives and unhealthy food than ever. Our bodies are continuously exposed to toxins from our immediate environment. Often without our knowledge, these substances enter our body through cleaning products, cosmetics, medicines and polluted air.
Supermarket food and a toxic environment mean that the liver and kidneys have a much greater burden than ever.
In addition, the quality of our food has been severely affected. Our food has been sprayed by various chemical pesticides. In addition, they are full of fragrances and colorants. Joanna Blythman, an English investigative journalist, writes extensively about this. She knows where our food comes from more than anyone else..

Synthetic ingredients in our food, why?
In order to maximize profits, many synthetic ingredients that are very cheap to produce are added to replace the much more expensive natural ingredients, whose use also leads to fewer complications in the production process.
Very useful for the manufacturer, but what we get out of it remains a question of conscience...
At best, the body can't do anything with it; in the worst case, it's downright harmful. In all cases, it contributes nothing to the nutritional quality of what is offered, quite the contrary.
Labels of deception
Unfortunately, a large number of these ingredients need to be used, there are around 80,000. 'production agents'not to be mentioned on the packaging. This is how it is regulated by law. The industry has tried very hard to do this and has convinced the legislator that these chemicals have no harm to public health. Even though people have no idea what effects all these substances have on each other and what the long-term consequences will be. That research is not being done. Too expensive and all that.
Most people make it count and only take action when they have had a wake-up call after a visit to the doctor. When it's actually too late. Somewhere between their 40th and 50th birthday. Maarten has written a blog about that, the health paradox.
What role do natural nutrients play in detoxes?
Apart from all the additions, our diet and lifestyle often make us deficient in essential nutrients that support the natural body processes, and therefore your liver and kidneys. This leads to many health problems and can lead to chronic diseases if nothing is done about it.
Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, said it all: almost every disease can be traced back to a lack of nutrients.

Unfortunately, our food only contains half of all the minerals it has ever contained. And minerals play a crucial role as mailmen of essential substances to the cell and garbage collectors of toxins in your body.
Without minerals, vitamins are virtually useless.
Minerals play a very important role in the daily detox process.. On the one hand, minerals bring the nutrients to the cell; on the other hand, they collect toxic substances.
The levels of minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium have been dramatically reduced over the past decades. Isn't it logical that you feel tired? See the graph below from research from 20 years ago.
Since 2002, the industry has not done any research. You may guess why. If you want to know more about this, consult Genius Health Gold.
The decline in the nutritional value of fruit and vegetables from 1985-1996 and 2002

Heavier burden on the liver and kidneys due to pollutants
We get a lot more pollutants from air, water, pesticides, heavy metals, additives and unhealthy food. The quality of our food has been severely affected. Our food has been sprayed by various chemical pesticides. In addition, they are full of fragrances and colorants, preservatives and other food additives. That is very different from the person who lived 50 or 100 years ago.
Supermarket food
Supermarket food and a toxic living environment mean that the liver and kidneys have been given an enormously harder task. We are ingesting far more toxins than ever, from contaminated air and water, pesticides, heavy metals, additives and unhealthy food than ever.
In addition, the quality of our food has been severely affected. Our food has been sprayed by various chemical pesticides. In addition, they are full of fragrances and colorants.
How did our diet deteriorate so much?
Why your cauliflower, broccoli or lettuce isn't what it is anymore?
- It use of fertilizers causing arable lands to become depleted. Plants need to grow faster so that they can harvest more often.
- Long-term storage and transport of fruits and vegetables, causing the loss of valuable nutrients.
- Industrial food processing to semi-finished products and ready meals, causing even more value to be lost.
- The use of so-called production agents, synthetic substances that aim to optimize the industrial processing of food.
- Replacing natural ingredients through synthetic ingredients and additives finally bring the nutritional value to an absolute minimum.
2 types of toxins
Actually, there are only 2 types of toxins. To make it easy, substances that you get from outside (exogenous substances) and substances that you get from inside (endogenous substances)
Exogenous toxins (from outside)
Exogenous toxins in the substances that 'come from outside'. Our bodies are continuously exposed to toxins from our immediate environment. They are found in pesticides, BPA, mercury, lead, arsenic, dyes, preservatives. It can hardly be prevented.
There are around 80,000 types and they cause damage and unwanted fat if your body can't clean up these toxins. There are substances in our food that the body has a lot of trouble excreting them. One such example is dioxins. Dioxins are harmful substances that can end up in food via the environment.
Some of the dioxins are excreted and the rest is absorbed by the body and ends up in the fat cells. Dioxin accumulates here and is broken down very slowly. You cannot completely prevent the ingestion of these substances.
When exposed to dioxins, PCBs and heavy metals, for example, the liver takes action.
When exposed to harmful substances, part of it is stored in adipose tissue.
But you don't have to do a detox cure to get rid of that. Depending on the chemical composition, the body is able to break down these substances in a few months to years. Provided you nourish the body properly.
But where do you get that from these days, given that the value of fruit and vegetables has declined so much?
Endogenous toxins (from within)
Endogenous toxins are produced by the body itself during the metabolic process. During this process, free radicals are released. These are small harmful particles that must be neutralized through a natural detoxification process.
Antioxidants protect your cells against free radicals. You get antioxidants through the right food and your body produces part of it itself. Due to a poor diet without antioxidants and long-term stress, you are less protected against free radicals. The free radicals will oxidize and this is harmful to your health.
Detoxing toxins
When toxins build up for a long time, the body can no longer eliminate them on its own. This results in fatigue, fat storage in unwanted places and an inexplicable feeling of not feeling well. Tired, bloated, lifeless and without energy.

What complaints can you have when you expose your body to toxins for a long time?
Physical complaints include:
- Energy shortage
- Frequent headache
- Often suffering from nausea
- Overweight
- Allergies
- Dull skin
- Heartburn
- Feeling “unwell” often
- Bowel problems
- Rapidly susceptible to flu
- Low libido
Mental complaints include:
- Stress
- Mood swings
- Depression
You can get rid of many complaints by taking in healthy essential nutrients and removing toxins.
Your body is like a battery. It is important not only to ensure the maximum capacity of the body as a battery, but also that this battery is and remains fully charged. This does not stop the inevitable (illness) but significantly increases your chance of making it through the recovery process quickly and properly. Provided that the cause of the “disease” is identified and neutralized in time. Because even the most healthy and vital person can be auctioned off by a 'disease' like cancer. Everyone has heard of people with a similar fate.
Minerals must come from 'outside'
Minerals, essential nutrients, are needed by the body from food, the body cannot produce minerals. The problem is that, sorry I am falling into repetition, we are often deficient in minerals because of our diet and lifestyle.
People then take extra vitamins. But know that's pretty useless without minerals.
This leads to many health problems and can lead to chronic diseases if nothing is done about it.

Types of detoxes
There are many different detox treatments where you rid your body of as much waste as possible in one go. These are then quickly removed via the circulatory system. For this purpose, your body mainly uses the lymphatic system, the liver and the kidneys. Each has its own rules and treatment methods.
Detox methods do not contribute to the daily clean-up process. This can even cause the release of harmful substances. Taking a cure once a year is like brushing your teeth once a year. Or wash your dishes once a year.
That doesn't make much sense. The thing is that you help your body to detoxify every day. It is best to make the process of detoxing in your body as natural as possible and to support it as well as possible.
An important disadvantage of detoxes and detox cures is also the stress that can come with it. Studies in women show that both a period of 48 hours of fasting and 3 weeks of eating fewer calories can increase stress hormone levels.
Above all, how not to detox
The best-known detox methods are juice cures or fasting. These methods are strictly inadvisable because you are getting too few nutrients. And you've already received so little... Tragic, in fact, that that is seen as healthy.
With this method of detox, you also get quite a lot of complaints, such as fatigue, headache, nausea and problems with bowel movements. And these are just short-term solutions that do harm rather than make you better.
With a detox cure, all your accumulated waste and toxins would be removed from your body. However, there are serious health risks. So never do it just like that, without guidance. It is rather complex.
A detox cure does tell you the facts.
It makes you aware of what you normally put into your body.
Fasting, hot water baths, clay treatments (on the skin and oral), enemas or rinses of the intestines, detox cures and supplements, for example activated charcoal, it is complicated, takes time and causes stress.
For all these forms of detoxification, there is also not sufficient scientific evidence that they work. Some (scientific) research has been done into some methods, but this is often of poor quality.
Intermittent fasting, a healthy lifestyle?
And what about daily fasting, intermittent fasting? Some people swear by it. The method is simple: you don't eat or eat less for certain periods of time. Intermittent fasting is combined with a ketogenic diet where you have almost no carbohydrates. However, you do eat a lot of fats. The idea is that your body will use fat as an energy source so that you lose weight.
However, it has nothing to do with removing toxins.
Does organic food help with a healthy lifestyle?
“I'm eating organic” you're probably shouting! Organic food certainly often has a higher nutritional value because the crops are grown on a more fertile soil. However, people mistakenly believe that organic ingredients do not enter the body with toxic substances.
Indeed, no artificially made pesticides are used. But in organic agriculture, for example, copper is used as a pesticide. A 'natural' product, not synthetic. But highly toxic. Of course, organic farmers with a heart for people and animals will not use these products anytime soon.
But imagine yourself in an organic farmer who only farms organically because of the higher financial returns. Do you think he won't use toxins? The Bio label does not guarantee complete food safety.
What's in your food?
Western people mainly eat food from the supermarket. And the supermarket and its products pay attention to shelf life, freshness, color, taste, spreadability. And we cook a lot with packages.
Do you ever take the time to read the fine print on the packaging? Probably not.
“It's safe anyway, otherwise the authorities wouldn't allow it”.
The substances don't seem to do any harm, because if they did, wouldn't they be banned? Isn't that a long time ago that hype about e-numbers? “Really?
'The authorities are investigating individual substances. But not after the years of accumulation of these substances in our body. Such research is expensive and must be lengthy to show whether or not something in general would be safe or good for your health. It is very difficult to show whether something is “good for cancer”. You can't generally say whether something is good or bad, say the health experts in the food industry.
Besides, a tiny bit of poison in your body every day can't hurt, right? Read my blog about Paracelsus and how a bulb farmer poisoned his wife every day with a tiny bit of poison. A true story...

How can you maintain a healthy lifestyle and become healthy?
Step 1: Opt for healthy eating
Limit simple carbohydrates, refined sugars, and processed foods. Quite difficult, but Rome and Aachen weren't built in a day either. Don't set goals that are too high.
Start with one thing at a time. Or one day a week. No fast sugars one day a week. Or wine. Or pasta, white rice, white bread, cookies, candy, sugar, ice cream, processed meats, processed breakfast cereals such as granola and cornflakes, sweetened desserts, gingerbread, granola bars and other packaged snacks, soft drinks and fruit juices in a pack.
And be the first, like a cigarette addict, to throw all packages, bags and ready meals out the window. And of course: limit caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
Don't do it all at the same time. That is often overstated.
Building a healthy diet is a daunting task
A healthy body is like building a cathedral. You don't do that on a late afternoon either. So take your time and be compassionate with yourself. And eat healthy food.
And eat multiple carbohydrates
Multiple carbohydrates such as fruit, oats, carrots, legumes and vegetables are good for you. But also avocado, broccoli, kale, green cabbage, spinach, walnuts, asparagus, white cabbage, cauliflower, watercress, garlic, pumpkin, turmeric. Healthy fats: olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, avocado, fatty fish, nuts, seeds and olives.Proteins: meat, fish, dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes and, to a lesser extent, fruits and vegetables. So healthy food for a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body.
Step 2: Reduce stress hormones
Avoid stress. Easier said than done, you'll say.
But stress is disastrous and a major problem in food digestion. Our body needs rest to digest, 'rest and digest'. So work in 2 whole wheat sandwiches with a glass of orange juice at work in the afternoon and answer 3 more emails in the meantime, figure out what to cook tonight and what else to order for your aunt's birthday... Don't do it.
Stress hormones release more toxins that have an oxidizing effect on your body. Long-lasting stress causes high levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in your blood. A lack of sleep leads to a decreased ability to break down the stress hormone. Sufficient sleep is therefore very important so as not to end up in the vicious cycle of too much stress and sleep deprivation. In addition, your body cleans completely while you sleep; it produces new cells and antibodies.
In the event of a lack of sleep, the body will therefore store excess waste in your tissues.

Step 3: Exercise and get enough sleep (at least 7 to 8 hours)
Long-term stress causes high levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in your blood. A lack of sleep leads to a decreased ability to break down the stress hormone. Sufficient sleep is therefore very important so as not to end up in the vicious cycle of too much stress and sleep deprivation. In addition, your body cleans completely while you sleep; it produces new cells and antibodies. In the event of a lack of sleep, the body will therefore store excess waste in your tissues.
Western people are also sleeping less and less. Of course, we are distracted by monitors. But you can learn to sleep better. If you have little light around you at night, go to bed at the right time, have a nice bedroom and don't look at the alarm clock in between (don't do that thing next to your bed!) , you're going to sleep better already.
Make sure you relax. A tense body or brain does not want to fall asleep quickly or sleep continuously, and that is exactly what is so important for staying healthy. Because you are programmed to remain “vigilant”.
The pilot light is constantly on. This is how we, as humans, were created to prevent threats from above. Handy for keeping wolves away, but not useful for sleeping!
More exercise and more sleep! What a lovely detox!
Intensive exercise is not necessary
Exercise also stimulates your intestines to remove unwanted substances more quickly. Intensive exercise ensures that the toxins come out through the skin. (by sweating).
To support your detoxification process, it is not necessarily necessary to train intensively, but to keep blood circulation running smoothly, it is advisable to everyday at least 30 minutes of exercise.
Exercise can be very easy, such as:
- 30 minutes a day of walking
- 30 minutes a day of cycling
- Use the stairs more often instead of using the elevator
- Walking in the woods
- Jogging
If you want to start with some extra exercise, build it up slowly and do what feels good for your body.

How do you remove toxins from your body in a simple way?
Eat healthy and let your body do what it needs to do. Ensure that your body's machine is properly adjusted. With the right nutrients.
It's actually very simple...:)
You can take all kinds of supplements, but then your kitchen cabinet will be full. Often, these are also factory minerals, also synthetic (although the label says' natural ', (European legislation is quite misleading) and hardly absorbable. Your body can't do much with that. You just pee out most of it.
A waste of money.
SMPL is 100% natural, 100% absorbable and 100% safe.
It nourishes the body with 72 plant minerals, 18 amino acids, 15 organic acids and 5 vitamins of pure organic origin. You barely get that much, even if you're still eating so healthy or organic. SMPL72 detoxifies the body quickly and effectively and neutralises contaminants in our human body.
Do you want to learn more about SMPL? Then read this blog: what is fulvic acid and why do I need it?
It is best to put 10 drops daily in non-chlorinated water, juice or other cold liquid that you eat right with the meal.
Because you are definitely deficient in minerals, it doesn't hurt to take a dose twice a day for the first month.
If you use it in combination with other dietary supplements, it can enhance the effect. Just make sure you take those supplements from a reliable organic source to prevent unnecessary pollution with toxins.

Where can you order?
Click here if you want to order. If you order before 4 p.m., you'll receive it the next day. Download the free product guide Geniaal Gezondheidsgoud if you want to delve further.