Make hair thicker? Invest in the top 4 minerals for your hair
Do you want thicker hair? Do you have problems with hair that is thinning? Invest in minerals: Iron prevents hair loss, zinc and selenium promote hair growth.
As long as your hair is in the right place. Right? A friend I was studying with had a Carmen Set. Really, every morning, she did those things in. She walked around the kitchen with it without shame. Before you walk to the Action for a Carmen curl set (or, nowadays, a Dyson). Know that beautiful hair begins
at the (hair) root.
So don't forget to invest in the right minerals for your hair.
The top 4 minerals for your hair:
- Iron is an important mineral that you need and can be an important factor in hair loss. The hair follicles and the hair root both need to be well nourished. When the iron level is below a certain limit, you may develop anemia. This disrupts the nutrient supply to the follicle and thus affects the hair growth cycle negatively.
- Zinc and selenium are of course very important for increasing your resistance. But they also make your hair and nails stronger and help you keep good skin. They strengthen your immune system: zinc ensures optimal production of T cells, the “fighter cells” in our immune system. Zinc strengthens your immune system because it helps prevent viruses from adhering to the nasal wall and thus helps prevent colds. But that's another story...
- Silicon is an important building block of connective tissue and plays a role in the synthesis of collagen and keratin. As a result, it also plays a role in hair growth. And firm skin. Better collagen quality ensures healthy hair growth and a firm hair shaft. Silicon ensures that the collagen in the blood vessels around the hair follicles remains supple.
These are just 4 minerals that we've discovered what they do. And there are up to 72 essential minerals that you need to keep all body systems running efficiently and keep your hair healthy and prevent hair thinning. But of course you have to all have minerals that are fully absorbed by our body.
SMPL72, with all the minerals our body needs, is 100% absorbable, in contrast to salt minerals and minerals from stone (factory minerals). And also directly! So not 24 hours or 48 hours before your body processes it.
In addition to the above minerals, SMPL72 contains 68 other minerals and trace minerals that are important for keeping all body processes running efficiently.
You can order in our webshop.Do you want to go all the way for thicker hair? Then add X39.
Download our product guide here.
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