Maarten Bennis
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Turning the wheels of health

Vitality and health start with our mental and metaphysical condition. But do physical issues such as nutrition and exercise no longer play a role at all?

Mental health

Mental health starts with a tidy past. A past that is not placed in the future. That sounds a bit cryptic, but when you understand it, it actually makes a lot of sense.

In many ways, we humans are a product of our past. It has shaped us but also conditioned us. Many things that we see as absolute truth are really just views or interpretations. They blind us to the possibility of different interpretations. This may not be so urgent when it comes to our physical world, but when it comes to interpersonal interpretations, this can be very annoying or even downright unhealthy.

Interpersonal may suggest that it's about the other person, but “it takes two to tango”. Your self-image is a determining factor in this. If you have a healthy self-esteem, you may be less likely to be negatively influenced by others. Regardless, your views on how you and the most important people around you are are very important to your health.

It all sounds a bit abstract, but in short, if you have and can maintain a strong and positive self-image, you have a very strong starting point for a long and healthy life.

But it's not so easy to reach that state, even if you think of yourself as a “happy camper” you are. The problem is that many of the things that determine who we are take place in the unconscious mind. You simply have no idea about it. They are the blind spots of your psyche. It is precisely the things that take place in this dead corner of your life that can have a major impact on your life. Things from your past that can suddenly be triggered without you understanding where they come from.

What you are not aware of takes a life of its own and controls your life as if it were an autopilot. It is therefore extremely important for your health that you become aware of these hidden motives.

Dr. Hamer has a very strong foundation of his claim that all diseases are caused by strong experiences of shock. No matter how strong you are in life, we all get shock experiences. A weak mental state as a result of low self-esteem, for example, will be less able to absorb these shock experiences than a strong mental state.

Dr. Hamer teaches us that only when we can understand the shock experience and “neutralize” its cause does the body transition into healing - what modern medicine calls illness.

Suppose you experienced a powerful fear of abandonment in your early childhood. You've grown over that and you've long forgotten about it. You are now married and have a family with children. Suddenly, you receive the news that your husband wants to divorce you. Bam, your old unprocessed trauma is right back there in all its severity and the shock arrives very hard and completely unexpected. According to Hamer, the chance that you will develop a serious illness as a result of this shock experience is huge.

Suppose you were already aware of this unprocessed childhood trauma and you could have relived it through the eyes of an adult, you would have been able to put that trauma from that time into perspective and interpreted it in a new and more positive way. And that's why the shock experience of your husband leaving you wasn't as hard as it was. In fact, you may have seen much earlier that your unconscious fear of abandonment stood in the way of a healthy relationship and may have caused your husband to leave you. You could even have prevented the shock experience in its entirety. But even if that had not been the case, you would have been able to overcome this shock experience much better and faster and the impact on your health would have been much less.

So do diet and exercise play no role in this at all?

I wouldn't want to go that far. It wouldn't make sense either. I mean experts have been saying it for years and that can't all be hot air, right?

I now think that the key word energy is. Energy or lack of it can mean the difference between life and death when your “illness” - or rather recovery, is at its peak. It's at those times when your body systems are put to the maximum test.

In a normal condition when you are not 'sick', you can feel fine. But what one person likes would be unacceptable to the other. It's just what you're used to. It reminds me of Kevin Trudeau's statement:


In short, feeling good does not automatically mean that your body is also in the best possible condition. When your body functions optimally, it can use the given energy very efficiently. Not only do you have more left over, but your body can also go deeper in the event of “illness”.

Your body needs - that's for sure, certain micro-nutrients to function optimally. In the event of a shortage, the body switches to various backup systems that are much less efficient and therefore require more energy. So it makes you more vulnerable.

Of all nutrients, minerals are perhaps the most fundamental because no organism can make them itself. You can't say that about all other nutrients.

Even though no organism can produce minerals itself, we humans do need them to be able to ingest those minerals in an absorbable way. We are talking about the soil microbiome - also known as soil life. Just like in our stomach, the microbiome makes it possible to break down substances into the smallest possible pieces to make them absorbable. Soil life ensures that minerals (in the form of salts and metals) are broken down in the smallest possible form so that plants can absorb them. And through plants - and indirectly through animals, we ingest these so-called plant minerals. At least that's how it should be.

Unfortunately, intensive agriculture has seriously disrupted soil life worldwide and is barely able to convert minerals into plant minerals.


No matter how well you oil your engine, if sand is thrown at it all the time, it will never “run like a charm”. It's the same with your body. In a world that has been consistently polluted with foreign substances for decades, it is inevitable that these substances accumulate at the top of the food chain: our bodies.

But even in a pure environment, the body produces waste products or free radicals that are better to leave your body as quickly as possible.

In short, our body is polluted daily with free radicals and amounts like never before. With just feeding without detoxifying, our body will never be able to function optimally. So detox, preferably every day, because you don't brush your teeth once a year, right? And that is best done with SMPL72. It is not only a mailman who delivers 110 nutrients into the cells, but also a garbage collector who takes all the crap out on the way back.


Something similar applies to movement. Exercise helps your body pump out the 'juices' and eliminate waste more quickly. More muscle mass and a larger lung capacity are therefore not the cause but the result of a healthy lifestyle. Stronger muscles increase the pressure on your bones and that makes them stronger. It also ensures that your bones stay 'floating' separately and minimises joint pressure and friction. As a result, there is a lower risk of joint problems.

You can exercise briefly and very intensively (top sports) or exercise for a long time (walking) and everything in between. However, short and extensive exercise has no or little effect. And if you have chosen the latter, you will have to pay extra attention to all other aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

Not much exercise is not necessarily a bad thing. It also has benefits. If you exercise little, your body will also be less stressed and will wear out less. On the other hand, your bones will actually become weaker. Because you need few calories if you don't exercise much, you'll need to eat relatively higher-quality food in smaller amounts if you want to get enough nutrients. There are plenty of examples of people who have grown very old with it.

Health parameters

Health and vitality are a combination of various factors. Some will have more impact than others, but nothing is more important to health than a “tidy mind”. Then it comes down to keeping your body running as efficiently as possible, so that you have a lot of energy left over. In our view, SMPL72 is the perfect addition to this.

There is no single protocol for a healthy lifestyle. There are various buttons you can turn and which one you prefer is very personal. Be responsible, but above all, don't make your health an obsession. There is no need for that. If you don't like sports or cooking, you'll have to turn other knobs.

Make life simple.

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